What Time Frame Is Best for Trading? (Part 2)

You also have to consider the amount of capital you have to trade.

Shorter time frames allow you to make better use of margin and have tighter stop losses.

Larger time frames require bigger stops, thus a bigger account, so you can handle the market swings without facing a margin call.

The most important thing to remember is that whatever time frame you choose to trade, it should naturally fit your personality.

If you feel a little uptight like your undies are loose or your pants are little too short, then maybe it’s just not the right fit.

This is why we suggest demo trading on several time frames for a while to find your comfort zone. 

This will help you determine the best fit for you to make the best trading decisions you can.

When you finally decide on your preferred time frame, that’s when the fun begins. This is when you start looking at multiple time frames to help you analyze the market.
