What is Fundamental
Along your travels, you’ve
undoubtedly come across Gulliver, Frodo, and the topic of fundamental analysis.
Wait a minute…
We’ve already given you a
teaser about fundamental analysis during Kindergarten! Now let’s get to the
What is it exactly and will
I need to use it? Well, fundamental analysis is the study of fundamentals!
was easy, wasn’t it? Ha! Gotcha!
There’s really more to it
than that. Soooo much more.
Whenever you hear people
mention fundamentals, they’re really talking about the economic fundamentals of
a currency’s host country or economy.
Economic fundamentals cover
a vast collection of information – whether in the form of economic, political
or environmental reports, data, announcements or events.
Even a credit rating
downgrade qualifies as fundamental data and you should see how Pipcrawler
turned this news into a winning short EUR/USD trade.