Why Trade Currency Crosses? (Part 3)
Currency Crosses Provide More Trading Opportunities
Instead of just looking at the seven “major” dollar-based
pairs, currency crosses provide more currency pairs for you to find profitable
By trading currency crosses, you give yourself more options
for trading opportunities because these currencies are not bound to the U.S.
dollar, thus possibly having different price movement behaviors. So while the
majority of the markets will only trade on anti-U.S. dollar or pro-U.S. dollar
sentiments, you can find new opportunities in currency crosses.
Just check out Cyclopip’s Currency Cross-Eyed blog and you’d
realize that crosses present a huge potential for catching plenty of pips!
For example, all the dollar-based pairs might be trading
sideways or in some uglier fashion where it would be smart to just sit on the
sidelines and wait for better trade setups, but if you knew to switch your
charts to look at currency crosses, you might just find trading opportunities
Be different! The majority of traders just trade the majors.
Now you can be part of the minority that trade currency crosses.